If my heart could tell a story
If my life would sing a song
What story would it tell?
What song would it sing
In Joshua 4 there are rocks that tells a story. Not about themselves. Not about the people that move them. Rocks that tell part of the story of God. These rocks tell a story of a God who keeps his promises and opens new doors and new opportunities. These rocks tell a story of a God who is in charge and who has a mighty hand that can and will help.
These rocks tell their story of God to the present generation – with all the uncertainty in from of them they need to be reminded. These rocks tell their story of God to the next generation – they didn’t get to witness the miraculous power and so they need to be told. These rocks tell their story of God to all the nations – because the nations need the things this God offers.
In Joshua 4, there are rocks that tell a story.
If my heart could tell a story
If my life would sing a song
What story would it tell?
What song would it sing?
In Peter 2, there are rocks that tell a story. Not about themselves. Rocks that tell a part of the story of Jesus. These rocks are living stones. Stones that are being built into a spiritual house. A spiritual house where people – in this generation, and in the next – can come and experience the story of God. A spiritual house where people, from everywhere, can come and experience the story of God. These living stones and the house they are building tell a very important story. The story of what God has done in their lives.
You and I are those living stones.
So, I’ve got one question (worded two different ways).
If your heart could tell a story
What story would it tell?
If your life would sing a song
What song would it sing?
I regret the stories that my life, my heart and my song sometimes tell. I do.
I wish they would tell a different story. A better story. The best story.
Today, I’m thinking about THE LIVING STONE (1 Peter 2:4) and the story that he tells. A story of care – always taking care of everything. A story of faithfulness – a faithful hand holds me, through everything. A story of joy.
This song by Steffany Gretzinger has captured my heart today.
If my heart could tell a story
If my life would sing a song
Let my children tell their children
Let this be their memory
That all my treasure was in heaven
And you (God) were everything to me
THAT is the story I hope to tell each day. Because it’s true!