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Pastor Dave Prill

The scene is the throne room of God. God the Father Almighty, the Ancient of Days is seated on the throne. Millions are around him, gathered in worship. Then a cloud comes, a bright one. The cloud carries “one like a son of man.” This one approaches the Ancient of Days. There is no record of words exchanged between the two. Nor of the look of recognition between them. What is recorded is an exchange of gifts. Things that God the Father Almighty has held on to and now, in this beautiful moment, hands over to “one like a son of man.”

Dominion? We are talking about control. Authority. It’s given. Handed over. Released.

Glory? We are talking about esteem. Honor. Weight. It’s given. Handed over. Released.

Kingdom? We are talking about the right to rule and reign. It’s given. Handed over. Released.

Worship? Handed over. Released. Everyone everywhere worships this One.

“To him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should worship him” (Daniel 7:13-14). Jesus was handed these gifts by God the Father Almighty. Over and over again, especially in the gospel of Mark, Jesus refers to himself as “the Son of man.” Daniel is being given a vision. A very special, very beautiful, very unique picture of this moment. This moment when the Resurrected Jesus ascends into heaven and approaches God the Father – the Ancient of Days.

Usually, these words are comforting. I raise my hands in celebration, in praise of the victory that Jesus won and shares with me.

But today, the words had a different effect. The Holy Spirit was convicting me. Challenging me. The Ancient of Days trusts Jesus with dominion, glory and a kingdom. But I haven’t been. I’ve been trying to control. I’ve been giving more weight to other things. I haven’t been inviting him to rule and reign over each moment.

Jesus, I’m sorry.

I love you. I believe you.

Jesus, I give you control.

Jesus, I give you the weight.

Jesus, I want you to rule my life.

Jesus, I worship you!

That was my prayer today. Something tells me that you might need to just pray those simple phrases today. Multiple times a day.

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