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Pastor Dave Prill

I recently got to visit a friend. He has two young daughters and the youngest just happened to be in one of those pivotal, mark-it-down kind of life moments. She was starting to walk. I loved watching this toddler take some of her first steps and felt deeply honored to be there for them. She had a pacifier in her mouth. She’d get a look in her eyes. She’d lift her arms in the air (kind of like a gibbon monkey walking across a high rope) and then she’d take off. 1, 2, 6 steps and then fall into the arms of a parent. The steps weren’t beautiful or rhythmic, they were awkward. Slow, fast, fast, faster, practically tripping. But she was doing it! Those parent’s, of course, hooped and hollered – proud and full of joy in the great accomplishment of their daughter.

My brain and heart exploded with good news as I watched the scene play out (not just once but several times!).

It’s good news, that your Heavenly has the same joy over your steps. When Jesus showed up, what did he do? He invited people to take steps, to walk … with Him. “Come, follow me.” (Matthew 4) Steps with or towards Jesus bring our Father joy.

It’s good news that your Heavenly Father isn’t thrown off by the awkwardness of your steps. Walking in an unrhythmic pace? It doesn’t bother him. Walking with my hands waving in the air, for balance? He isn’t complaining. He is proud and full of joy at any step that is taken toward Him and He’s excited to help us find better rhythm and balance.

Here’s one that my heart really needed to consider! It’s good news that your Heavenly Father isn’t comparing your steps to someone else. Let’s be real. What that young toddler did was not all that impressive. I personally have been walking for a long time. I’m over 6 feet tall. I could have gone the same distance she did in one, large step. And I would have looked better doing it. But her parent’s won’t saying, “come on, why can’t you be more like him!?” And neither is my Heavenly Father saying that to me or to you. He hoops and hollers over YOUR steps – not your steps in comparison with someone else.

It’s good news that your Heavenly Father isn’t mad when you run 5 or 6 steps and then fall into his arms. Quite the opposite actually. God is thrilled that you are running. Thrilled that you are running towards HIM. Thrilled that you trust Him enough to collapse into HIS arms. Is there any better place to fall?

There was so much good news in that moment. As my return flights were getting rerouted and delayed, I had more time to reflect on that good news. I realized this:

This toddler’s parents were not tolerating her.

They weren’t putting up with her.

They were rejoicing over her.

THAT is what my heart desperately needed and needs to hear. My Heavenly Father isn’t tolerating me. He’s not putting up with the current me and hoping for a better version in the future.

He’s rejoicing over me and steps toward him.

Check out this incredible verse!

The LORD your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy. Zephaniah 3:17 (GW)

Child of God, if you haven’t been walking with him lately. Or if you’ve stumbled. Or if you’ve gotten caught up in that comparison trap. Or if you feel like God is merely tolerating you right now…. read this verse. Every day. Share it with others. Picture the face of the Father as you read these words.

And know this: he isn’t merely tolerating you and your small steps. He rejoices over YOU!

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