When I was a kid I remember people referring to God as the big man upstairs or the man in the sky. I remember thinking a couple of things - first, where was upstairs?! Secondly, it is kind of weird to picture a man in the sky! In all seriousness, as I grew up I disliked these phrases because they do not adequately portray God. It also describes God as someone who is distant and removed from our lives. Someone who watches over us but isn’t present in the day to day. That is far from the truth! We just celebrated Christmas, God coming down to earth in the form of Jesus as a baby. Jesus came to live and die and rise from the grave. He chose to be near - not far. That is the power of our God! He walks alongside us! Jesus came to earth and grew through taking his first steps, those awkward teen years, becoming an adult with a career. He felt what it was like to be fully human and fully God. Philippians two verses six through seven says “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness ”(NIV). I love this passage because it reminds us that Jesus was in very nature fully God but he did not let that stop him from choosing to come to this world. He is a God who is near to us. An old song puts it this way “Despair not; he is near you,There, standing at the door, Who best can help and cheer you and bids you weep no more” I love this picture or idea of Jesus standing at the door. A comforting father, a heartfelt friend, a mighty king cheering us up. I don’t know about you, but there have been many times that I have felt like God is so far away. Many times where I am lost in helplessness and despair. This image is so powerful because it reminds me that Jesus is here. He chooses to present in our lives and not only that - but he gives us Joy from our sorrows. He wipes away the tears, he listens to you, he loves you, and he gives you a comfort only he can give. What an incredible Lord and Savior. He is truly God with us or Emmanuel.
