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God our Help

Writer's picture: Kristen KocsisKristen Kocsis

Why’s this video of people yelling & pineapple slices with candles so important to me?

2 months ago, I celebrated my 3rd year living with my California family. For those who don’t know my story, I agreed to come work at Rez in Feb. of 2017. I hadn’t finished college yet. All I knew of California was a one layover at SFO. All I knew of Rez was an hour long video call with PD & Adrienne. Later that month, I talked with PD about living with a family from church. Then, in May I moved 1800 miles into a house of a family I’d never met.

It still amazes me how well it all turned out considering how I made some pretty big decisions off of so little info.

Back in 2017 I never guessed how long I’d live with this family. I never guessed that there would be a pandemic or a quarantine. I could have never guessed that I would be working from home indefinitely, that my pay would be cut, or that our church would be under such financial stress. I would have never guessed the level of societal hurt & struggle that lay ahead. I could have never planned for any of that.

But way back in 2017, even though I had no idea what I was getting myself into, God was moving. He was plopping me down in the middle of all kinds of things I didn’t even know I needed. Through the Carter family, Jesus has provided me a place to live where I didn’t have to be anxious when my pay was cut. He’s provided a family who loves me like their own & cares for me. He’s provided a group of people who are full of life & provided all kinds of entertainment during quarantine. He’s provided a place that I can invite the youth over for socially distant youth group.

I would have never guessed this season of life was coming. I could have never planned for it. But it was never outside of God’s hands.

“I lift my eyes up to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven & earth… He will watch over your life; The LORD will watch over your coming & your going both now & forevermore.” - Ps 121:1-2, 7-8

What’s something that God’s done in the past that has prepared you for this moment?

What does that teach you about God’s character?

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